We are dedicated to the safety and well being of all our pediatric patients!

As base hospitals we stand by our first responders to help guide them through some of the hardest patients to care for.
We Provide Resources

We are in search of opportunities to help as many youth as possible. New resources are always being developed.

We Educate the Community

Programs like Stop the Bleed and Sidewalk CPR allow us to interact directly with the community and teach them vital skills to assist those that are injured.

We Educate Providers

From online offerings to in person training at fire stations, we strive to keep our first responders up to date on what to do when kids get hurt or sick.


Obtaining an Accurate GCS on the Littles

Sometimes it can be a challenge to obtain an accurate GCS reading on our tiniest of patients. For tips and tricks on getting an accurate result, check out the link below.


Recognizing Relationship Violence in Teens

Dating violence can create a lasting impact on teens and being able to provide them with resources is essential. If you believe your patient may have been a victim, consider providing them with the resources below.



Pediatric Assessment Tool on Your Device

Need a little extra help assessing your pediatric patients? Scan the QR code on your device and have access to an entire toolbox of pediatric assessment tools.

Have Questions?

Let us know what you want to learn!