A quick glimpse of Base Hospital Coordinators.
Heidi, Ragas, RN. (Providence St Jude)
My favorite part of this role is the variety; from managing daily operations to working with different care teams in the prehospital and emergency department setting to ensure smooth patient care. I also really enjoy the opportunity to find creative ways to provide education to nurses and paramedics.
Jill Patt, RN. (Huntington Beach Hospital)
Love being part of a great team of Base Hospital Coordinators and working with the Pre-Hospital EMS Community.
Julia Afrasiabi, RN. ( UC Irvine Health )
I love being a Base Hospital Coordinator. Every day is something unique and I get to contribute to the prehospital care of patients in Orange County!
Laura Cross, RN. (Mission Viejo Providence Hospital)
I love being a Base Hospital Coordinator and the multiple hats I wear! Collaborating with OCEMS, Fire Agencies, ERC staff, MICNs, and other EMS personnel to provide quality care to our prehospital patients makes my job rewarding.
Monica Layhee, RN. (KPC Health Hospital )
Although I am new to the roll, ER Nursing and EMS have always been special to me and this position allows me to experience the best of both worlds.
Whitney Patnode, RN. (CHOC Childrens)
What I like most about being a Base Hospital Coordinator at CHOC is working with prehospital and ED caregivers on how to provide the highest level of children’s prehospital care. By working together, we can significantly impact and quality of the care we provide and directly affect their outcomes.
Jenael Rosenberg, RN. (Hoag Hospital)
I enjoy being able to work together with many different agencies and people to facilitate the best care possible for our patients in Orange County.